Branson Aug-Dec Shows, Attractions, SDC Tickets – Cheap Deals

I have lived in the Branson area since the mid 1990’s and without a doubt my favorite time to appreciate all that Branson has to offer is during the fall season, beginning in late August, leading all the way up to the Christmas Shows that run through December.  So, what do I love Aug-Dec the most?  Well, one of the main reasons is because the traffic thins out.  Kids are returning to  school the roads are less congested and the summer activities slowly begin to shift to fall attractions.  God bless the kids, I have a wonderful daughter myself.  We have enjoyed 20 years doing the “kid” things at Silver Dollar City (SDC), water slides, parks, go karts, putt putt golf, and her favorite show…. The Haygoods!. However, if your kids are grown and you love to see shows, enjoy the autumn leaves and cooler air, I’d recommend coming during the fall.

The Ozarks Are Beautiful When The Leaves Change

Branson is nestled in the Ozark hills.  The scenery is fantastic when the leaves begin to change colors and the days are cool.  There are many hiking trails that will take you along great scenic hillsides, by waterfalls, or along beautiful Tablerock Lake.

Cheap SDC (Silver Dollar City) Tickets

Here are some insider tips that I have always used to get cheap Silver Dollar City tickets.  SDC can be very crowded while the kids are off for summer, but after school is back in session Silver Dollar City is even better.  You don’t have to wait in long lines for any of the rides.  If you visit SDC during mid week, you may not even have a line at all!  That’s when you really get your money’s worth!  My daughter and I share many memories riding roller coasters all day long, until “Dad” couldn’t take it anymore.

Finding Cheap Branson Tickets and Discounts in Aug-Dec

Branson isn’t cheap, but isn’t nearly as bad as other amusement parks around the country.  Fortunately, there are a few things to do to make your vacation a little cheaper than what you may be expecting.  knowing where to buy tickets, and how to get significant discounts can save you a lot of money! 2018 during the fall season is when you can get the best Branson discounts to shows because the theaters are in competition to get you in their seats.  During the fall season there is less people in Branson and you can find cheap deals if you follow my tips.

2023 Show Attractions

2023 has been a fantastic year or Branson Shows.  Many famous stars have performed concerts in town, and many fantastic musicians have their own theaters who stay all throughout the year.  You even see them at Walmart or while your out to eat somewhere.  I’ve gotten to know a few of the entertainers over the years and most of them are quite approachable.  Check out the Branson Show schedule to see what kind of shows that you may enjoy seeing this year.

2023 Christmas Shows

When August fades away and the Halloween season quickly approaches you will see Branson transform into their Christmas season.  Most of their shows have two parts with an intermission in the middle.  The second half of the shows usually are Christmas themed and it’s a nice change of pace from the first half of the show.  Check out this years Branson Christmas Show Schedule to see what’s in store in Nov-Dec..  In December, many shows will play through New Years Eve, so even if you come after Christmas, be sure to see what else is playing in late DEC..